Building a Video Editing "Scrubber" (2 versions)
Lately I have been doing more video editing than I have for quite a
while. I am going back through both tapes and disks that were
made as long as 50 or 60 years ago (most are far younger), and
them to my computer. Fortunately, most of the really old videos
had already been copied to CDs or DVDs, so the quality has been
maintained. But I want to ensure that I capture even these before
they "age out". I have also become responsible for recording
our meetings of the Prescott Computer Society, editing them, and
uploading them to the club's website. The editing step is
somewhat tedious, with one of the more time consuming tasks being moving to the
exact frame of the video needed for clipping and joining
sections. I would love to have a knob that lets me easily move
the cursor to find an exact point in a video.
I think I just found a new project to pursue!
What I plan to build is a box with a large knob, which would allow
me to move the editing cursor with enough resolution to easily position
it exactly at the desired frame. I want to be able to "scrub"
back and forth to find an exact position. As I had no idea how to
accomplish some of the steps in this process, I had to research the
answers to
several questions before starting. Here are the questions and the
answers I found
by my studies:
Q: What is the best way to control the
cursor of my current video editor (Adobe Premiere Elements) from an external device? A: It appears that
other than clicking it or dragging it with the mouse, the only practical way to move
the cursor is using the
left and right arrow keys, which will move it one frame at a
time. Pressing the SHIFT key at the same time moves it 5 frames
at a time.
Q: Can I do this project using an Arduino, a Raspberry PI, or ?. A: If I can send out an un-printable character (arrow key) in the same manner as the keyboard, yes, an Arduino can do it.
Q: Can I send out codes for the arrows? A: Yes. Arduino has a keyboard emulating library which includes escape codes for the non-printing keys.
Q: Can the Arduino talk to the computer in the manner needed? A:
Some models can. There are dozens of Arduino models, all with USB
ports, but there are only 3 or 4 that have the required USB host driver
built in. This will allow these models to talk to the computer as though they were
a keyboard or mouse, without an external converter board.
Q: What is the best way to convert movement of the knob into a movement of the cursor? A:
A digital encoder is the best way. There are cheap ones, and
there are expensive ones. More on that later. A
potentiometer could also work, but it has a limited range of travel,
usually about 3/4 of a turn.
Q: Is this project even possible? A: It appears, that with the correct parts selection, this project should be successful!
I select some parts:
Three Arduino models I considered were the Leonardo, the Due (which I
have used in a couple previous projects), and the Pro Micro, all of which have the required USB configuration. The
Leonardo is about credit card size, the Due is about half again longer,
and the Pro Micro is about the size of 2 postage stamps. I chose
the Pro Micro because of its size, the fact that I do not need a lot of
inputs or outputs, and its price. I
could have bought 1 for a little over $10, or 3 for $15. I chose
the 3!
I decided to use one of the simple encoders I already had. These
sell for less than a dollar, have contacts that rub on a patterned
disk, and have 20 counts per revolution. Initially it had a
detent that clicked it into each of the 20 positions, but by opening it
up and slightly reforming a flat spring, I eliminated most of the
detent action. Obviously I need to access more frames than 20 per
revolution, so I decided to use gears to turn the encoder 4 times as
fast as the knob, giving me 80 counts per turn. I could also
use some tricks and generate additional signals from transitions within
the normal count. (I tried this later, but the tolerances within
the encoder caused intermittent problems.)
Prior to any detail design, I set up a breadboard with my encoder and a
Pro Micro controller. Using only a few jumper wires I had a
working model. Writing the code was not at all difficult, nor was
it very large. All my research paid off! It worked, and I
was able to move my video editor's cursor one frame per click of the
encoder. Now I started designing and making parts!
I initially printed the two gears, a 15 tooth and a 60 tooth, and the
knob. The other parts on the left were built a little later in
the design cycle. The 20 step
per revolution encoder is in the lower right corner, mounted on its spring mount and the gear in place.
The Pro Micro controller and a reset button are on the right. A little later I
added a 3 position switch and its wiring to the controller.
Completing the design:
Now that I knew what had to go into the box, I could design it. I
made a simple box and cut the bottom off at an angle (in the CAD drawing), so the top panel sloped
forward at a convenient angle (a little over 14 degrees). The angle caused me some "fun" designing the
bottom cover and its mounts in the case, but it all came out quite well.
The printed case is about 1 inch high in the front and 2 inches in the
rear. The bottom view shows the mounting pillars for the various
parts and the 3 position switch,
which once being very tightly snapped into the hole is not going to be
removed! Threaded brass inserts will be heat set into the cover
mounting holes in the corners.
The bottom view shows how all the parts are mounted. The encoder is on a spring beam and is adjusted so there is
a slight pressure against the main gear. This assures there will
be no backlash while turning the knob. One end of the
controller board has a USB C connector which extends through the back wall of the case. There is also a slot part
way through the wall which holds its circuit board. The other end of the controller fits in a slot of the retainer
which is then screwed down to a couple of pillars.
The finished box works quite well, but I really do not like the feel of
turning the knob. The remaining detent is amplified by the
gearing and it just turns roughly. Functionally it is fine, but I
would really like more changes per revolution than the 80 I have.
I did wire the 3 position switch go give me a pseudo-scaling. I
can move around in the video file faster by factors of 3 and 10, but it
does that by just moving that many frames per count. This
prevents me from landing on a specific frame without changing the
scale back to 1 and fine tuning the position.
I have also had some problems with the controller, mostly programming
it. Each time you change the program, you must compile it and
then download it to the Arduino. Much of the time this works
flawlessly. However, some of the time I get a message that it
cannot find the port to do the upload, and it just hangs there.
An article I found online suggests to hold the reset button while it
compiles, then release it when it tries to upload. This seems to
be a satisfactory workaround most of the time, but is a bother.
Also, some of the time when plugging into the USB port to start using
the device, it fails to work until you press the button to reset
The concept has been proven and most of the technical problems have been worked out. It is serviceable, but not elegant!
Version 2:
I was looking through Amazon (surprise, surprise!) and found a "real"
encoder which is affordable! It is is an optical encoder with 600 counts per
revolution, and is in
a fully enclosed case with a ball bearing mounted
shaft. And it was only $18! I figured it would be easy
to scale down the 600 counts to almost any desired value, and still
always have the ability to stop
on any frame, and being an optical encoder there would be no noisy
signals or contact bounce, such as contacts wiping the surface of a
metal disk. A minor problem with this unit is that the stated
voltage range is 5 to 24
volts, which sounds fine, as the USB port supplies 5 volts.
However a
forum member who was talking about this encoder stated that 5 volts
means 5 volts. He stated his did not work at 4.97 volts and my
measured less than that. I bought it anyway. I also found
mine would not work with the USB supplied voltage. I supplied it
12 volts and it works great! Adding a boost converter to the
parts list will solve this problem. A boost converter takes a DC
voltage and through the magic of electronics, raises the output voltage
to any value up to about 30 volts. I figure that 12 volts should
leave good margins from each end of the 5 to 24 volt range.
A design using this encoder would have the knob directly on the encoder
shaft, eliminating any gears, which should be much simpler, but there
was another problem: I was interested in keeping the basic design
of my first case, but the length of the encoder would not allow it
to fit without some manipulations. I
actually considered two options to overcome this:
- Mount the encoder on the top panel and extend the bottom of the case to accommodate it.
- Extend the encoder through the top panel and hollow out the bottom of the knob to accommodate it.
I did not like option 1, as I felt the higher case would not be comfortable to use.
So I chose the second option. It would have been simple to just
have a section of the top panel around the encoder raised up about 1/4
inch and be done with it,
except this is the surface that prints against the build plate.
Having any extension above the top would require a lot of support
material, and that would leave a terrible surface finish on the most
viewed part of the assembly. Instead I printed a separate part,
which would still require support, but over a much smaller area, and
that area would be totally hidden after assembly.
left shows the optical encoder, a well built, nearly friction free,
totally enclosed unit which produces 600 steps per revolution..
The right is the construction of the encoder mount. A hat shaped part,
which mounts the encoder, protrudes through the top panel. The
edge of the panel hole is made thicker to adequately hold the mounting
screws, and the bottom of the knob is relieved to provide clearance.
Moving the encoder slightly toward the rear of the panel, to a thicker part
of the case allowed sufficient clearance from the bottom cover.
Once the encoder mount was complete, the other parts fit nicely pretty
much like they did in version 1. The primary difference was
providing a small pocket area to place the boost converter.
I used hot glue to secure this.
All the contents fit easily in the case. I lined the inside of
the case with black electrical tape in the area of the
controller, as three bright red LEDs on the Arduino
showed right through
the red case. I actually turned that to my favor by cutting
a small round hole in the tape directly over the Power-on LED, giving
me a small pilot light showing through the case.
The right picture shows the
cover in place. It also shows the reset button and USB C port on the rear of the case.
These are the two completed units. Version 1 is on the left,
version 2, the right. The primary visible difference is the
larger knob
on the later version. In use, version 2 is much smoother and easier to use.
Final Conclusions:
I am much happier with version 2. Initially, the knob turned too
freely. It was easy to disturb it by a few frames as you let
go. A felt washer between the knob and the end of the encoder
provided just enough friction to overcome this tendency. The
action is still very smooth. The 3 ranges of 100, 200, and 600
counts per revolution are quite usable, with 200 being about
optimal. The 600 range allows more rapid moves, but can easily
out pace the editor's capability to receive the rapid pulses. It
doesn't lose them, it just stores them and keeps moving after the knob
stops, until all the steps are applied. I found this was a
nuisance in actual use, so I added a delay in the step routine to slow
it down to about the same speed as the editor.
This was a short, fairly straight forward project, but it did require
some study beforehand to determine what techniques would work. It
has been a while since I programmed an Arduino and it took a little
time to reacquaint myself with the C++ programming language subset that
is used.
All in all, a good outcome!