SCRR at Western Area Rally, Indio CA Jan 2013

                                          Before the rally started, we all went to Palm Springs to see the newly dedicated
                                          sculpture "Forever Marilyn".  She was sculpted by 80 year old Johnson and
                                          Johnson heir, Seward Johnson.  She stands 26 feet tall, weighs 34,300 pounds, and
                                          is made of stainless steel and aluminum.  She was unveiled here on May 24, 2012.
                                          The sculpture is on loan here through June 2013.

Here we all pose with Marilyn.                                         

                                          By going in together, we were parked together.

The Frustrated Maestros performed for us each morning at coffe and                                         
donut time, and at both ice cream socials (even the cancelled one!)                                         

                                          There were two ice cream socials scheduled, but the first one was canceled
                                          as no one had ordered the ice cream!

Mary is walking her dog (or vice versa) behind our motorhomes.                                         

                                          April and Linda share some sun together.

The 4 guys wait outside a Palm Springs store while the gals shop.                                         

                                          Tony, enjoying his happy hour.

April sits outside with their Jeep in the background.                                         

                                          Linda is also enjoying the happy hour.

We went out to a Mexican restaurant with a 5:15 reservation.  It is well                                         
past that now!                                         

                                          April is also waiting patiently.

We finally were seated.  Here is the whole group of us.  Rosemarie did not                                         
feel well, so did not come tonight.                                           
Seated from left to right are Lynn (April and Skip's daughter), April, Skip,                                         
Tony, Linda, Dick, Mary, and Norm                                         

Thanks to Dick for the first 5 photos and Mary & Norm for the rest!